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1611 KJV Bibles

Considered the most authoritative version of the KJV Bible, the King James Bible 1611 edition is still deeply revered and frequently referenced today. It was the first version of the Bible to be widely translated into English and made directly accessible for laypeople in England. As such, 1611 original King James Bibles are viewed as the definitive English Bible and regarded as an excellent source for research, daily reading, and referencing. Our collection of 1611 King James Version Bibles for sale includes regular facsimile editions, 400th-anniversary editions, leaves from the original 1611 Bibles, historic Bible bundles, and audio versions. The KJV Store’s 1611 edition KJV Bibles make excellent gifts for KJV enthusiasts and dedicated readers of all kinds. Whether it’s children bibles, or premium leather bibles, we’ve got you covered. Shop our 1611 KJV Bibles for sale!