Fellowship Bible Study - Woman by Design

Bogard Press


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Bogard Press
5-1/2 x 8-1/2"
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WOMAN BY DESIGN - Designed to Influence
Author: Angie Peters

A look at the way our faith and God’s blessings on our lives add up to a powerful testimony that we can use to make a tremendous impact on the lives of the many people whose paths cross ours each day.

Sample Pages

Lessons 1-4 Overview:
Women with Faith: Believing Is Seeing! (Believing God’s Word means seeing His blessings!) We all have troubles, including Mary and other of our biblical “foremothers.” But believing that He will keep His promises—in spite of our circumstances—turns our fear into faith when things get tough. We’ll learn important lessons about faith from four women of the Bible who believed and were blessed.

Lessons 5-8 Overview:
Women with Testimonies: Seeing Is Telling! (Seeing His blessings compels us to tell others what He has done for us.) On two separate occasions, in the book of Luke, two people were told by an ANGEL that God would work a miracle in their lives. The reactions of the two were quite different. Zechariah doubted and was silenced. Mary believed, and she sang! Her song, recorded in Luke 1:46-56, is called the Magnificat, which means “My soul magnifies the Lord.” The Magnificat, one of the most beloved passages in Scripture, has blessed Christians throughout the ages. In other words, this is Mary’s testimony. In these lessons, we’ll be looking at the “testimonies” of Mary and three other women in the Bible.

Lessons 9-14 Overview:
Women with Influence: Telling Is Touching! (Telling what He’s done for us touches the lives of others.) Get us women together at a potluck or baby shower and we usually can’t be quiet. We love telling each other about what’s going on in our lives. But mention the words: “share your testimony” and a loud silence often falls across the room. For some reason, we have a fear of preparing and presenting our testimonies. Yet, given the profound potential we as women have to influence those around us, a powerful and succinct testimony at the tips of our tongues might be one of the most practical and effective tools we’ll ever use in our Christian walk. So the pages of these lessons will serve as a “testimony workshop.” We’ll look at the many different ways women can put together and present their testimonies—whether they’re at the office, on the playground, with a hurting friend, or in front of their church family—and offer helpful strategies for doing that effectively (i.e., keep it relevant, not preachy; take out religious jargon; etc.) We’ll talk about the fact that one woman doesn’t equal one testimony; each woman has as many testimonies about the work of God in her life as she has people to share them with. These lessons will include testimonies of real women as well as several homework assignments encouraging lots of prayer, study, reflection, writing and sharing, bringing to a powerful close our study on the influence of women for God.

Lesson Titles:
1 Jochebed: Faith During Peril, Poverty and Persecution
2 Jochebed: Blessed Beyond Belief
3 Hannah: Faith at the Heart of a Troubled Home
4 Hannah: Satisfaction Instead of Sorrow
5 Mary: Faith Fosters Obedience
6 Mary: An Overflowing Heart
7 The Samaritan Woman: Faith Heals a Troubled Heart
8 The Samaritan Woman’s Soul-winning Words
9 Women: Different by Design
10 Gathering Stones: Building Your Testimony
11 The Purpose of a Testimony
12 The Plan for a Testimony
13 The Power of a Testimony

As with all Bogard Press Curriculum sold by The KJV Store, Fellowship Bible Study uses only King James Version Scripture!

About the Author:
When Angie Peters gave up her job as a journalist 14 years ago to say at home with her growing family, she thought she was putting her passion for writing on the back burner—at least until she got her kids raised. God had other plans. He stirred up a writing and editing career that she could pursue right where she was—at home, with kids at her elbow and play dates on the calendar.

Angie has written two books about stay-at-home mothers. Her articles have appeared in publications such as Today’s Christian Women and ParentLife. She frequently speaks to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups and women’s events, and has been a featured guest on various radio and television programs, including “At Home Live with Chuck & Jenni.” She also writes devotional materials for a sports ministry program and a monthly column about parenting called “Celebrate Home.”

She and her husband, Kurt, have three children: Nick, 14, Lindsey, 12 and Erin, 5. The Peters worship and serve God alongside their church family at Spring Creek Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas.

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