Creation and the Second Coming

New Leaf


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New Leaf
5.4 x 8.3 x .5"
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Possibly the only book of its kind, Creation and the Second Coming captivates the reader by linking our origins with our destiny. Blending biblical stories like Noah and Jesus teaching His disciples, Dr. Henry Morris weaves an intriguing resource for prophecy and creationism buffs.

Author: Dr. Henry Morris

Table of Contents:

-- Foreword
-- Introduction

-- Chapter 1. How We Know the End Is Near
-- Harbingers of His Coming
-- Worldwide Evolutionary Humanism
-- Worldwide Moral Disintegration
-- Social Darwinism, Slavery, and War
-- Apostasy, Rationalism, and Occultism
-- The Age of Science and Technology
-- The Great Sign Given by Christ

-- Chapter 2. Turmoil in the Bible Lands
-- Religious Background of the Middle East
-- The Recent War with Iraq
-- Muslims against Israel
-- Gog and Magog
-- The Burial of Gog

-- Chapter 3. The Amazing Renaissance of Israel
-- A Miracle Nation
-- Promises of Restoration
-- The Sign of the Fig Tree
-- The Fig Tree Budding
-- The Time of Jacob's Trouble
-- The Creation of Israel

-- Chapter 4. Back to Babel
-- The Rebuilding of Babylon
-- The United States of Europe
-- World Religion and the New Age Movement
-- Mother of Abominations
-- The Rise and Fall of Babylon

-- Chapter 5. Seven Years of Fury
-- The Seventieth Week
-- The Two Witnesses
-- Image of the Beast
-- The Woman in the Wilderness
-- Who Is the Antichrist?

-- Chapter 6. Science and the Second Coming
-- The Groaning Creation
-- The Lost World and the World to Come
-- Shaking Terribly the Earth
-- The Millennial World Order

-- Chapter 7. Life in the Holy City
-- The Last Judgment and the Lake of Fire
-- The First Resurrection
-- The Imminence of His Coming
-- The Meeting in the Air
-- Is Ours the Last Generation?
-- Throughout All Ages
