Baptist New Testament Commentary - Volume 9 - John

HPB Publishing


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HPB Publishing
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Baptist New Testament Commentary Series
The Baptist New Testament Commentary is a series of verse-by-verse commentaries of the King James Version Bible. This commentary is based entirely on the King James Version Bible, using the Received Text for all renderings. It is the passion project of 12 different authors, an editorial staff, and support staff of HPB Publications (of Hyde Park Missionary Baptist Church).

About the Authors

Featuring the following 12 Volumes:
Volume 1 - Acts
Volume 2 - Hebrews & James
Volume 3 - Galatians & Ephesians
Volume 4 - I & II Corinthians
Volume 5 - I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Volume 6 - I & II Peter, I, II, III John, Jude
Volume 7 - Philippians, Colossians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Volume 8 - Matthew
Volume 9 - John
Volume 10 - Mark and Luke
Volume 11 - Romans
Volume 12 - Revelation
