The Importance of Reading a Reference Bible

The Importance of Reading a Reference Bible

Studying the Bible is a lot like a good workout session—you know it must be good for you because it isn’t easy. Accepting the faith is easy, but mastering your understanding of Christianity is something that can take a lifetime. It’s a perpetual work in progress. It’s a daily workout for your mind and soul.

Whether it’s a sturdy piece of equipment or just a nice pair of shoes, you have ways to make your exercise a little easier. The same is true with the Bible. Theologians have taken the most popular translations of the Bible and added annotations and insights that facilitate study for readers. One type of study Bible, a reference Bible, goes beyond mere annotations and helps to make the Bible read as a cohesive whole. For devoted readers and newcomers alike, we’ll explain the importance of reading a reference Bible for a better understanding of its lessons.

Follow Themes With Cross-References

The 66 canonical books of the King James Bible are separate but connected. Citation of prior books is what holds the Bible together—it’s this lack of citations that led theologians to discard the books of the Old Testament that we call the Apocrypha, as the books of the New Testament never cited them. A reference Bible makes these cross-references clear to readers and allows them to follow one reference with another, pursuing a theme or concept across chapters and books.

Character Studies

In addition to unifying concepts by directing readers, many reference Bibles supplement the Scripture itself with short essays about important recurring figures. One can read these character studies, with directions to the books in which such characters appear. This allows readers to better understand pivotal figures in Christianity such as Noah, Solomon, the Apostles, and, of course, Jesus.

Visual Aids

The beautiful prose of the King James Bible paints a vivid mental picture. However, for some visual learners, this verbal illustration isn’t enough. The importance of reading a reference Bible reveals itself here through its inclusion of visual aids such as maps of the Holy Land, archaeological photographs, and illustrated Bible studies. By seeing maps that detail the journeys of the Bible, for instance, readers can better understand the distances and terrain that important figures traversed.

Finding the Right Reference Bible

The KJV Store is a comprehensive Bible shop featuring numerous editions of the King James Bible. Among them, you will find the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, which many theologians consider the foremost reference Bible. Citing its thorough cross-references and its lack of controversial editorialization, experts believe this is the ideal way to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture’s overarching concepts—a truly satisfying spiritual workout.