The Differences Between Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism

The Differences Between Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism

You will learn about three major branches of Christianity when examining Christian history: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism. Within Protestantism, you can find many denominations, including Anglicanism. Anglicanism is one of the oldest Christian Protestant denominations and is like Roman Catholicism. However, there are several differences between them.

Founded by King Henry VIII vs. Founded by Jesus’s Apostles

One of the most obvious differences between these two churches is who founded them. The Anglican church, also known as the Church of England, was founded by King Henry VIII in 1534. King Henry VIII was Catholic at the time, but the pope would not grant his divorce. So, he decided to found and head a new church.

The Roman Catholic church maintains that they are the original church created by Jesus’s apostles, especially Peter. However, Catholicism, as we would recognize it today, didn’t come about until Constantine legalized and promoted Christianity in 312.

Individual Church Authority vs. Pope Authority

The founding of these churches also points to the difference in their authority structure. Anglican churches are part of a communion of churches, but they do not have a central authority figure. Technically, the head of the Church of England is still the reigning monarch, which is currently King Charles III. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the “first among equals,” which means they are equal to all others, but have some authority. However, this authority does not go beyond the United Kingdom.

The pope is the authority of the Roman Catholic church. They believe that each pope is the successor of the original pope, the apostle Peter. The current pope is Pope Francis.

The Symbolism of Communion vs. Transubstantiation of the Eucharist

All Christians receive a form of communion, which is bread and wine or grape juice. Anglicans believe that the bread and wine spiritually become the body and blood of Jesus but do not literally change. The communion is more symbolic than the host of Jesus.

Catholics believe in the transubstantiation of the Eucharist, their name for communion. They believe the bread and wine maintain their appearance but literally change into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus once consumed.

Married and Female Priests vs. Celibate Male Priests

Most of the time, priests and other approved people give communion in both churches. One of the major differences between Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism is who can become a priest. The Anglican church will ordain male and female priests and allow them to marry.

However, the Catholic church does not. While they celebrate many female contributions to the faith, they will not ordain female priests. Their male priests remain celibate and do not marry.

Both Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism are beautiful faith traditions with great respect for the Bible. The KJV Store can help if you need a new large print KJV Bible as you follow in your faith tradition. Our KJV Bibles come in various editions so you can find the one you like best.