5 Common Mistakes Every Christian Should Avoid

5 Common Mistakes Every Christian Should Avoid

Christians know better than anyone that no one is perfect. After all, that’s the entire reason Christianity exists. The original humans weren’t perfect, so we all have a sin nature that only Jesus can help us fix. However, even Christian believers can struggle with certain common mistakes. Here we’ll outline five that you should avoid to best grow in your faith.

Not Asking for Help

As we mentioned above, we all have a sin nature, including Christians. Whether you’re new to the faith or have spent most of your life as a Christian, you can still struggle with sin. If you feel yourself constantly losing the same sin battles, ask for help. Not asking for help and continuing to struggle without support will only hurt your Christian walk. There’s no shame in asking for help.

Trying To Grow Alone

This mistake ties into the one above. Failing to ask for help when needed and trying to maintain your Christian walk alone is hard, if not impossible. The Christian faith is communal. You need the support of Christian friends and a Christian community, such as a church, to grow in your faith. Mature Christians can help instruct you, and you can, in turn, help other people who are also growing.

Neglecting Your Prayer Life

Christians don’t just need other Christians in order to grow in our faith. We also need God’s guidance, and the best way to receive that guidance is through prayer. If you neglect prayer in your daily life, then you cut yourself off from this guidance and help. Setting aside time for prayer every day and making that prayer time part of your schedule can help you avoid this mistake.

Leaving Your Bible Closed

Another way that Christians receive guidance from God is through your Bible. Leaving your Bible closed most of the time and only reading it at church means you can’t receive this important guidance. Build regular Bible reading time into your schedule along with your regular prayer time, so you don’t continue making this big mistake.

Forgetting Jesus’s Example

The most essential part of Christianity is Jesus. If Christians forget his example of humility, love, and forgiveness, we’re not living out our faith. Helping other Christians, praying, and reading our Bibles are all important, but forgetting that all of this should point back to Jesus is the biggest mistake of all. Reflect on why you chose this faith and how you can better follow Jesus’s example.

These five common mistakes every Christian should avoid can negatively affect your faith journey if you don’t rectify them. Prioritize fixing these mistakes so you can grow in your faith. One way you can fix these mistakes is by changing your schedule and investing in a new Bible. We have 1611 Bibles for sale that can inspire you to read your Bible more often and continually remind yourself of Jesus’s great example.